FurrCard FAQ

Getting Started

How can I register an account?

To register an account, click on the Login-button on the top right of the page.

We currently support registration through Discord, Telegram and GitHub. Once you have logged in, you will automatically be prompted to create your card.

Does it cost any money to use FurrCard?

FurrCard is currently free to use. We might implement premium features in the future that will cost money, but the core features will remain free.

While my main goal is to keep FurrCard free, there are costs associated with running the service, especially to achieve good performance outside of Europe. The current server is located in Europe, which ensures high data privacy and reasonable world-wide performance. It is definitely planned to expand to other regions in the future, especially the USA. My current plan is to remain all data in Europe for privacy reasons, but improve caching and performance for users outside of Europe by adding something like relays to share the actual cards.

If you want to support us, you can donate to us on Ko-fi.

What are the steps to set up my profile?

Since we use third-party logins, your profile will be automatically set up with your details from the third-party service. Username and profile picture will be automatically filled in for you.

How do I create my card on FurrCard?

To create your card, click on the Create Card-button on the top right of the page (not yet implemented).

If you don't have a card yet, you will be prompted to create one. You will be asked to enter your details, such as your name, username and description.
Once you have entered your details, click on the Create-button to save your new card.

Account Management

How do I update my profile information?

Since we use third-party logins, your profile information will be automatically updated with your details from the third-party service.

Can I change my username?

Since we use third-party logins, your username will be automatically set with your details from the third-party service. We might implement a feature to change your username in the future.

How do I reset my password?

Since we use third-party logins, you don't have a password with us. Your password is managed by the third-party service you used to log in.

Card Features

What type of content can I showcase on my card?

We are working on implementing more features to showcase your social media links, projects and more on your card.

Currently, you can add your name, description and profile picture, categories and links to your card. You can add your fursona in the fursona tab and share it with others, especially artists. Linking a refsheet, adding colours or simply write a description of your fursona.

I (Alex) wrote an easy-to-use editor to add and organize links on your card. You can add links to your social media, projects etc. and organize them in categories.
Drag-and-Drop makes it easy to move links around and organize them the way you want. Categories make it easy to group links together.

There is currently no limit to the number of links you can add to your card. A high number of links might make your card look cluttered, so we recommend organizing them in categories. It also influences the loading time of your card and performance of our services, so we might implement a limit in the future.


How can I add a Page?

Pages can be added by clicking on the Add Artist Page-button in the Links tab. You can add a title, banner and Markdown content to your Page.

Why are Pages limited?

Pages are a new and experimental feature on FurrCard. We are currently limiting the number of Pages to one page per card for the base tier. You can unlock up to 5 Pages by becoming a Supporter on my Ko-Fi and unlock all Supporter-features.

We might implement more Pages in the future, but every Page costs resources in Storage and traffic and since I keep the service free, I need to limit the amount of Pages.

What can I write in Pages?
You can write anything you want in your Page. You can use Markdown to format your text.
You can use Pages to showcase your commission info, projects or write biography. Please note that Pages are public and can be accessed by anyone who has the link to your Page.

Currently supported Markdown features:

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3
#### Heading 4
*italic text*
**bold text**
[Link to FurrCard](https://furrcard.com)
- List Item 1
- List Item 2
1. Ordered List Item 1
2. Ordered List Item 2
> Blockquote
Code Block

Reporting and Moderation

How do I report inappropriate content or behavior?

You can report inappropriate content or behavior by clicking on the Report-button on the card or using this form.
We will review the report and take appropriate action.

What actions are taken against reported content or users?

We will review the report and take appropriate action. This includes removing the content or user from the platform. If the content or user violates our terms of service, we might take legal action.

Can I appeal a decision made by the moderation team?

Once a report has been reviewed, we will take appropriate action. Should we decide to permanently remove your card, you will be informed via Mail.
You can appeal a decision by replying to the mail.

Privacy and Security

What kind of personal data does FurrCard save?

Since we use third-party logins, we only save the data we need to authenticate you and display your card. This includes your username, profile picture, email-address and the provider you used (e.g. Discord). Every other information is completely user-generated and can be deleted by the user at any time. We do not track IP addresses or other personal data. We might extend the card analytics with geo-IP services, but this will only save the country you are acessing the card from.

What measures are in place to ensure the security of my data?

The servers are located in Europe, which ensures high data privacy standards for the infrastructure itself. Our database is not directly accessible from the internet and is only accessible from the application servers. We use HTTPS to encrypt the connection between your browser and our servers. Uploaded files get a 64-character random filename which makes it hard to guess the URL and find other related files.

Can other users see my personal information or card activity?

No, other users can only see the information you have added to your public card. Furthermore you can edit your card at any time and remove any information you don't want to share. Card activity (card analytics / clicks) is only visible to you and the moderation team.

Membership and Support

How can I support FurrCard?

I'm currently writing this in my free time and I'm not planning to make money with it. I'm planning to keep it free to use, but there are costs associated with running the service, especially to achieve good performance outside of Europe.

You can support me by donating to me on Ko-fi, becoming a regular Supporter or by sharing FurrCard with your friends.

What are the benefits of becoming a member on FurrCard?
Any benefits have the purpose to support the project, are not meant to give you an advantage over other users and will not influence the core features of FurrCard. The benefits will be mostly cosmetic and are supposed to compensate extended features that take more resources.

Benefits might include:
  • Bigger upload file-sizeStorage is not cheap, distributing and caching big files costs even more money.
  • Custom DomainsIt takes additional database requests for the usage of custom domains. We might make this free in the future.
  • Removal of the FurrCard Button
  • More and bigger image galeriesSame reason as the upload size limit. More images = more used space on our servers.
I'm open to suggestions for benefits, but I will not implement benefits that give you an advantage over other users. For any suggestions, please contact me on Discord or Telegram.
How do I become a member and unlock more and new features?

I'm currently working on implementing Ko-Fi as a way to support me and unlock more features. You can become a regular Supporter on Ko-Fi and the selected tier will be applied on your FurrCard account.

One-Time Donations may also be used for temporary benefits if you want, please reach out to me beforehand on Discord or Telegram.

How do I cancel my membership?

Supporter-Memberships are managed through Ko-Fi. You can cancel your membership there at any time.