About FurrCard

Our Mission

There are many online services that furries use and they only become more and more. There are also a handful of platforms where you can share your social media links and contact information. But none of them are made for furry needs, like an easy integration of other furry related pages, artist-focused fursona pages etc.

I created FurrCard to change that.

I focus on including services and integrations that are relevant and important for furries. I also want to make it easy for artists to get a good looking and functional page for commission references and furries to showcase all their fursona info on one page.

Support us

FurrCard is a free service and I am the only developer and maintainer of the platform. If you want to support me and the project, you can become a supporter on Ko-Fi. As a supporter you can get access to some of the newest experimental features and have higher quotas that otherwise produce more costs.

More importantly, you can help me to keep the service running and growing. I'm paying all storage and server costs out of my own pocket and every little bit helps.

Project Team


Alex Ottr 🌱

Full-Stack Developer and DevOps Engineer

I am the creator of FurrCard and responsible for the development of the platform.

That's it, only me so far ^^"

If you want to join the team, please contact me on Telegram or Discord.

As a team member you will have Supporter-Status and access to the newest features and all benefits.